Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cake Trends

The traditional wedding cakes have been taken to a whole new level lately. Eye popping cakes that will WOW the guest are beginning to be the new wedding trend. Brides are not holding back one bit, no one is scared to use colors, textures, and designs. Some brides are not even having a wedding cake at all, and doing a dessert table instead. It is totally up to the couple, and how well they give their designs to the cake decorator. Just remember one thing: Don't get too carried away. Famous cake decorator Weinstock says "the biggest mistake that couples make is wanting too much decoration, You don't want your cake to have that I'm-wearing-all-of-my-jewelry-at-the-same-time feel."  We have even seen brides using a cake/pie as the center piece of their tables instead. Each table will have their own cake/pie standing on a cylinder vase. It's your day, have the dream cake you want! Sylvia and Emily hard at work!!! Can you tell where the real flowers and sugar flowers are placed?  Great party planner Barbara Shorts and the geat florists Darren and Craig at fete des fleurs.  All the Texans are so gracious and welcoming to us northerners.  Don’t succeed from the union!  Thanks to Scott Calvert… hope you got your truck fixed!

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